Prayer For The


(Mark 2:28)

[I am] Lord even of the Sabbath. 


Take several deep breaths before you continue.

Jesus you are my Sabbath rest.

Focus, and repeat the this several times before moving on.

Lord Jesus,
I know that I was made for rest. Give me strength today to focus on you. Help me to set aside the distractions of normal life and make this time about resting in you. 
On the seventh day of creation in Genesis God created nothing new, He blesses all He has done, then rests. We were created for that rest of the seventh day—a state of wholeness, completion, and perfect relationship with God. 

In scripture, the first six days of creation are all marked by the phrase, "there was morning, and there was evening." The seventh day lacks this phrase. It was to be a "day" without end.

When humanity fell into sin it did end. We lost our rest, our role in creation, our life of wholeness, and our perfect unity with God. Thankfully, this is not the end of our story. God promised to rescue us from sin and return us to our rest. But how?