Parents Devo

BETA Version

You are the hero your kid's need!

You are the hero your kid's need!

If you haven't yet, take a few minutes and learn the heart behind The Hero Iniside!

Quick Prep

This week's Question: 

How do I know God loves me?

This week what you want your kids to learn is 1) there is a problem (sin), and it affects them, 2) sin has separated us from God and brought sickness and sadness into God's good world, and 3) we cannot fix ourselves or God's world from sin on our own. You want your kids to understand there is a problem that must be solved, and only God can solve it. After reading the Bible Story, ask the question again and guide your kids to the learning outcome:

God will rescue me.

Note: Don't forget to emphasize as much as possible the reason why God will rescue us: He loves us!

Kid's Lesson

The Plan

Kid's Lesson

The Creation

Ask the Question

How do I know God loves me?

Read the Bible Story

Adam and Eve loved God, and enjoyed the perfect world He created. There was no sickness or sadness; no pain or problems in the world. The world was full of light and love.
God loved Adam and Eve, and gave them a beautiful garden for their home. All the delicious fruit of every tree was theirs to eat and enjoy. Except the fruit of one tree. God told Adam and Eve if they ate the fruit of this tree it would bring death, darkness, and danger into God's world.
But Adam and Eve didn't listen to God. They ate the fruit of this tree anyway. They did what they wanted to do, not what God wanted them to do. God called what they did sin. Now, Adam and Eve couldn't stop the darkness and danger from coming. 
God no longer walked with Adam and Eve, and they had to leave their beautiful home too. God told them life would be very hard and painful from now on. Adam and Eve left the garden and started a new life away from God. They had children. Their children had more children. People filled the earth. But just like Adam and Eve they did what they wanted, not what God wanted.
God's world, and all the people in it needed to be set free from the darkness and danger of sin. So, God made a plan to rescue them because He loved them.
God found one very old couple named Abraham and Sarah. They wanted to do things God's way. But they were ashamed because they had never been able to have children of their own. So, God made them a promise. He would give them one son. 
And from that one son their family would grow until it was too big to count! Until one day, one special person would come from this family. That one person would rescue us and God's world. He would be full of love and light, and fix the death and darkness of sin. He would show us that even though we have sinned, God has never, ever stopped loving us.

Learning Outcome

God sent His Son, Jesus.

Help us make it better!


Pick several to do throughout the week!

Don't forget to work the Question and the Learning Outcome into as many conversations as possible while you're doing the activities. Have your kids repeat the learning outcome often!

1. Coloring page

This is the rough sketch from my illustrator. That's why it's not clean lines like a normal coloring page! 

Click to download


These are some of the scriptures emphasized in the Bible Story.

Genesis 12:1-3, NLT  The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. 2 I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. 3 I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”
Genesis 15:4-6, NLT Then the Lord said to him, “No, your servant will not be your heir, for you will have a son of your own who will be your heir.” 5 Then the Lord took Abram outside and said to him, “Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can. That’s how many descendants you will have!” 6 And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith.


Parent's Devo

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Read the Quick Prep.
  3. Pray for you kids and over what you will be teaching them.
Tip: An effective way to use this curriculum is to read Parents Devo the day before you do the Lesson with your kids, giving you ample time to internalize and pray over what you will be teaching your kids! Go back through the Quick Prep right before doing the Lesson with your kids if you want to refresh your mind.

Quick Reminder

Remember the Question is where you begin. The Learning Outcome is where you're going. The Bible Story you will read with your kids, along with what you've learned in the Parent's Lesson, is how you get your kids from the Question to the Learning Outcome. Have fun reading the Bible Story and doing the Activities with your kids!


Kid's Lesson

  1. Ask your kids the Question.
  2. Read the Bible Story, then ask the Question again.
  3. Guide them to the Learning Outcome by helping them process the Bible Story.
  4. Have fun doing one of the Activities!
  5. Work the Learning Outcome into as many things as possible throughout the week (e.g. additional activities, bedtime and mealtime prayers, conversations, etc.). 
  6. You can reread the Bible Story with them throughout the week as well if you would like!